Mental Health

It is no secret that moving away from home, away from your family (sometimes for the first time) can be a difficult experience. While there is a lot to look forward to in the UK it can take a while to get settled. At FreshStudent, we want you to know you are not alone. And so we have created a Buddy Scheme to pair you with other students. Our aim is to build a network of students – some new, some already established in the UK – to create good matches for everyone wishing to join. 

Joining our buddy scheme is very simple:

      1. Send an email to [email protected] simply telling us in a few words why you would like to join and what you are hoping to get out of the scheme.
      2. We will reply, within 24hrs, with a questionnaire seeking a few details from you such as: your university, hobbies, gender match, virtual or in-person, etc.
      3. We have worked with a mental health counsellor to ensure that in answering our questionnaire, we build a profile to help best match you. We will contact the person(s) we think you best match with and suggest a virtual meetup with consent from both parties.
      4. Thereafter we will organise first weekly, then monthly check-ins to ensure you are both still happy with the arrangement.

    Whilst we are not qualified therapists, we will continue to do our bit in finding small but effective ways to help end the scourge of mental health including pointing you in the direction of professional services being offered on the NHS or elsewhere. Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have a pressing issue or simply want to connect with us.